The basics

We get a lot of enquiries from people trying the setup limousine companies and whilst choosing your first limo is a very personal experience, we have a few general recommendations to help when choosing which limo to buy.


If you feel that the majority of business will be night club partying kids then an SUV like the H2 Hummer with all the trimmings is for you. However, if you know that a lot of your customers will be business people, airport, hotel and event runs then opting for a Lincoln Town Car or Chrysler 300 is probably the better option.

Essential vehicles

Ideally, when starting a new limo company it is best to start with at least 2 vehicles. Having 2 vehicles means that 1 can always be on the road and as a worse case you can offer your customers an alternative. We think the Chrysler 300 (or Lincoln Town Car) and the Hummer H2 are the 2 essential cars to go for because this is what the majority of your customers will be asking for.Chrysler 300 or Lincoln Town Car Reliable and easy to repair or upgrade, the 300 and Town Car will meet all your daily needs for most of your customers.The H2 Hummer (or similar)Large enough to carry big groups (and as you know bums on seats= profits) and is perfect for night clubs, shows, wine tours and weddings.


How long to stretch

Custom 1


Always an important question as it can greatly affect both your profitability and how easy your drivers are able to get to and from their jobs. Whilst increasing the length of your stretch costs very little some countries do not allow vehicles over a certain length and your newly stretched 300 inch Hummer may not be able to get around the narrow streets of London for example.

Cost of vehicle


Deciding whether to buy a new or used limo is an important decision and is dependent on your financial situation. When considering the cost of a vehicle don’t forget to include…Cost of operation Knowing which vehicle costs the most to replace parts, which the best on gas and which are the easiest to drive are all essential in knowing when running a profitable limo company.

Choosing a color


Generally limo owners choose black or white as the color for the majority of their fleet. These are generally good choices as anyone will travel in a black limousine and white limousines are perfect for weddings, proms and wine tours.Pink limos are also becoming very popular however, be warned that its unlikey you will get people using a pink limo for business meetings, wine tours or similar, so as long as you have enough female customers to justify it, then pink is another good way to go.

Being different


Like choosing pink, being different with your limousine (and service) will always get you attention.Owning a limousine that most operators do not stock can help boost your publicity and attract attention.Just checkout the Gargoyle Hummer limo which stole the show and does a great job in being different with Scissor and Gullwing doors and a unique paint job (unfortunately, it’s only available in


Just checkout the Gargoyle Hummer limo which stole the show and does a great job in being different with Scissor and Gullwing doors and a unique paint job (unfortunately, it’s only available in the UK).Before making a decision to manufacture a completely custom limo its probably wise to do the figures and see how profitable it will be for you.

What to avoid

Short (No)Warranties Bad Manufacturers Low riding vehicles (in most places)Expensive vehicles with expensive parts (they will need to be repaired by specialists which are hard to find and usually will mean your limo is off the road, not earning)Ruining a perfectly good Ferrari or Lambo to make it longer.

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