Big Limos provides online access to information about Big Limos and its products, services and opportunities. By coming to and using this site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions we set forth. Any other terms and conditions which apply to any specific area of this site or to content are also posted in those areas of the site and, combined with the below terms of use, govern your use of those areas and content. These terms of use, and any additional terms and conditions that apply are referred to as this agreement.Big Limos has the right to modify this agreement at any time without prior notice. Use of the site following any modifications comprises an agreement to adhere to the agreement as modified. The most recent revision date will be found at the bottom of this agreement.

1. Use of Site
Use of the service and site including but not limited to: information, writings, images, and any other information you experience on the site may only be used for non-commercial, personal purposes and/or to learn about Big Limos. There will be no transfer of right, interest or title from downloading our content. Big Limos will continue to hold the complete title and rights on all content found on this site. Except where this aggreement allows, no one may use, alter, copy distribute, or transmit content found on this site.

2. Copyright
This site and all of its content are protected by U.S. and foreign copyright laws, and it belongs to Big Limos, or its affiliates. Copyrights found in the content are owned by Big Limos or other copyright owners who authorized Big Limos use on our site. Content may only be downloaded, and/or reprinted for non-public, personal use. Content and images on this site may not be altered or manipulated without permission from Big Limos or third party copyright owner.

3. Trademarks
the marks and logos that appear on this site are the sole property of the trademark owner and cannot be used unless permitted by applicable law.

4. Linking to this site
If you would like to link to the site then feel free.

5. Disclaimer of warranties
Big Limos does not warrat that use of our site will be uninterrupted, completely secure, error free or timely, or that any said defects will be corrected. We do not warrant complete accuracy of our content, or that errors will be corrected. The Big Limos website is provided on an “as is” and “available” bases.

6. Limitation of liability
Big Limos will not be liable for damages incurred by use of our website, or content, or any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the content or on the website. If you are not satisfied with the site, the content, or the terms of use, the solution is to discontinue use of our site.

7. Indemnification
It is understood and agreed upon that each individual user is responsible for their behavior while on the Big Limos website. The user agrees to absolve Big Limos of any responsiblity for any loss, damage, expense, cost or claim that arises from use or misuse of our site, inability to use the site or content, or any violation of our user agreement.

8. User conduct
The user agrees that they will only use the site for lawful purposes, they will not make any actions that compromises our site security, renders it inaccessible to others or causes any other damage to the images or content within the site. The user agrees not to modify the content in any way, or attempt to access content that is password protected.Date of last modification July 14, 2006

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