Armored Cars

Armored Car Black

Protect yourself from unseen dangers

Light and Heavy duty IED protection & .50 Caliber 5 shot pattern 1 foot away.

Panels, Doors and segment with 5/8″ Steel Armor Plate for roof, fire wall, doors and side walls, to protect the vehicle from armor piercing rounds, attacks from IED’s, blast mitigation, and fragmentation threats.. Used for the vehicle floor 1″Steel Armor Plate, the armor will protect grades: up to .50 caliber armor piercing rounds, 10 layers of Kevlar flexible fiber woven into cloth will be applied over the Steel Armor Plate. Kevlar cloth is strong enough to stop high-speed projectiles and, in layers, will stop bullets. The design is fabricated to stop 50 caliber armor piercing rounds the configuration of this material has an aerial density of 3.0 pounds per square foot. This provides a significant reduction in weight from more commonly used high hard steel at 19.2 lbs per sq.ft. or aluminum alloy at 11.2 lbs per sq.ft. Armor panels are semi-rigid, and have excellent multi-hit capabilities and will not bunch up or fall down during ballistic incidents.

We use a combination of Beadlock and Run Flat wheels and tires, thus providing maximum performance in all terrain conditions. Most importantly, the VFI meets all U.S. military standards, as well as the FINABEL and NATO standards required by most European military agencies making the VFI the most widely used Run Flat in the world. Simply stated, a Run Flat Device provides continued mobility in the event of partial or complete loss of tire air pressure. Under attack conditions, a Run Flat increases survivability of the vehicle occupants by allowing them to drive safely to a safe location, even if the vehicle’s tires suffer complete air loss from hostile fire. Run Flat Tire inserts are bullet resistant, and offer added counter mine protection to the vehicle and its occupants, and allow operations at high speeds as well as sustained mobility over any terrain.

We can manufacture wheels in steel, or forged or cast aluminum, in one, two or three piece units, as required by your vehicles design needs. Multi-piece wheels can be bolted or welded together. All wheels can be built to the load bearing specifications as required for your custom application. We can manufacture Custom Wheels up to 24″ in diameter. Wheel surfaces are prepared for finishing via an aqueous pretreatment process, electrostatic powder coated and cured in a high temperature oven to produce a high quality corrosive-resistant finish in the color of your choice.

Our Bullet Resistant Glass Systems offer you an unparalleled combination of visual clarity and superior attack and ballistic protection, making them the most effective protective glass product available today! We custom fabricate each system to meet your unique specifications and to fit within your budget. Our flat glass systems are fabricated using the latest equipment: high- temperature, computerized slumping and forming ovens. In addition, we use high-pressure autoclaves, vacuum assisted cutting and layout tables. All of our glass systems are assembled under atmosphere-controlled clean-room conditions.

Vehicle Fragmentation / Bomb Blanket is made with layers of Kevlar woven ballistic fibers stitched together to form a “blanket.” The blanket stays flexible and can be easily fit and formed to vehicle’s floors and engine compartment areas. Kevlar woven ballistic fibers are fireproof and will not burn from DM- 51 Hand Grenades or 1lb pipe bomb blasts. Another advantage of adding Vehicle Fragmentation / Bomb Blankets to your existing vehicle is the added insulation protection from extreme heat and cold conditions. With the multiple layers of Kevlar fabric being stitched together rather than being bonded under heat and pressure as our Kevlar, Flexible and Steel Shield Vehicle Armor Panels are, the Vehicle Fragmentation Blankets are better able to move and flex with a blast impact and/or Fragmentation from DM-51 Hand grenades and or pipe bombs or land mines. Only Approx. 3/8″ Thick. and about 3 lbs per sq. ft. Manufactured with “special” finely woven Kevlar ballistic fabric that is designed to be very flexible, thin and easily form to the contours of your vehicle floor plan.

Armoring Description – CEN B6

Armoring Description

  • Perimeter armoring of passenger compartment (roof and Vertical surfaces: glass, firewall, doors, pillars, quarter panels, ballistic overlaps, rear bulkhead, etc.) to provide protection against 7.62mm, 308 Winchester FMJ ammunition, in accordance with NIJ Standard 0108.01 Level 3 and/or CEN 1063 Level B6
  • Floor of the vehicle is armored to withstand the blast and shrapnel from detonation of 2 x DM51 grenades exploded simultaneously.
  • All window/door apertures shall be overlapped, with bullet catchers in the door window area.
  • Vehicle Battery and Electronic Module protection
  • Fuel tank protection
  • Passenger door hinges mounting points shall be reinforced to prevent the door sagging and deformation of the door pillars.
  • Door travel retainers.
  • The materials used in the construction of the vehicle shall of the highest quality, and shall be tested in accordance with the ballistic protection levels specified.

Ballistic Glass

  • OE style curved ballistic glass (wind screen, passenger doors), providing the level of protection as mentioned in Section 2 of the present quote
  • Concealed ballistic flat glass modules installed in rear quarter panels and rear bulkhead, providing the level of protection as mentioned in Section 2 of the present quote
  • Anti-spall layer on all glass
  • No distortion, no delamination

Armoring Description – CEN B4

  • Perimeter armoring of passenger compartment (all vertical surfaces: glass, firewall, doors, pillars, quarter panels, ballistic overlaps, roof, rear bulkhead etc.) to provide protection against 44 Magnum, 9mm ammunition, in accordance with NIJ Standard 0108.01 Level II and/or CEN 1063 Level B4
  • In order to reduce weight, floor will not be armored
  • All window/door apertures shall be overlapped, with bullet catchers in the door window area.
  • Vehicle Battery and Electronic Module protection
  • Fuel tank protection
  • – Passenger door hinges mounting points shall be reinforced to prevent the door sagging and deformation of the door pillars.
  • Door travel retainers.
  • The materials used in the construction of the vehicle shall of the highest quality, and shall be tested in accordance with the ballistic protection levels specified.

Ballistic Glass

  • OE style curved ballistic glass (wind screen, passenger doors), providing the level of protection as mentioned in Section 1 of the present quotation
  • Concealed ballistic flat glass modules installed in rear quarter panels and rear bulkhead, providing the level of protection as mentioned in Section 1 of the present quotation
  • Anti-spall layer on all glass
  • No distortion, no delamination

Armor Levels Available:


Finance Big Limos is a leading manufacturer of armored vehicles such as, armored cars, armored stretch limousines, armored 4×4 vehicles and armored special vehicles.We draw on over 20 years of experience in the fields of conceptualizing, designing and fabricating armored cars. All of the materials used in our manufacturing process have been carefully selected to provide our clients the highest ballistic protection standards in the armored car business.

Signature Concepts

We offer several signature concepts, including our multilayer glass system. This system allows us to build our vehicles without the visible external frames normally associated with armored cars. Thus ensuring the aesthetic beauty of the manufacturer’s automobile is not sacrificed for function. The Folding protection system which reduces the risk of penetration at weak spots such as door and window apertures. The composite system made from woven Aramid matting, is used for protection against hand grenade and bomb fragments. Our special welding and bonding techniques protect materials from oxidation and allow armor to fit comfortably while providing a protective interface with the car body.

Armoring Levels

Level B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
Weapon Carabine Pistol Pistol Pistol Rifle Rifle
Calibre 22LR 9mm pra. 0.357 magn. 0.44magn. 5.56×45 7.62×51
Bullet mass (g) 2.6±0.1 8.0±0.1 10.2±0.1 15.6±0.1 4.0±0.1 9.5±0.1
Firing range(m) 10 5 5 5 10 10
Impact vel.(m/sec) 360±10 400±10 430±10 440±10 950±10 830±10
No. of impacts 3 3 3 3 3 3
Impact distance(mm) 120±10 120±10 120±10 120±10 120±10 120±10
Impact angle (degr.) 90 90 90 90 90 90

Contact us now at 714-330-6705 to discover how we can help you

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